Starting Strong
Our Starting Strong Program is designed to support Registered Child Development Homes who may need additional supports. These programs typically take a higher number of children on child care assistance. Our consultants work with these providers on program development, best business practices and increasing early learning activities.
Quarterly Learning Kits
These kits are delivered every quarter and are meant to enhance your learning environments. We will infuse early literacy, early math, science, and PLAY into every kit you receive.
Free Trainings
Each month we will provide trainings specific to the needs we see in your programs. These trainings are JUST for this group and allow you to receive continuing education credits to help your program with a quality rating, to keep your registration current, or even to further your career in the field of early childhood!
Networking Opportunities
Each quarter we will host events at our administrative building for you to spend time getting to know the other Starting Strong participants. We hope that not only do you make new friends but that you can share challenges and success with one another. We kick these off each Fall to welcome the start of another year and we end each year with a celebration of our successes with a thank-you lunch.
Discounts and Scholarships
You will receive a discount to our annual Early Learning Institute that is held in the Fall and scholarships for CPR/1st Aid!